Letting Go of 2022 and Allow to Receive 2023

‘Wow!! Where did 2022 go?’ I have been hearing so many people say that with 2023 coming shortly. It is amazing how fast this year went, but looking forward to what 2023 has coming.

Are you ready for 2023? How was 2022 for you? Did you receive what you were intending? Did you reach your goals? Did you write down goals? Did you make “New Year’s Resolutions” only to find you forgot about them 2 weeks after you set them?

I am going to help you to let go of what you need to let go of from 2022, and to open to receive 2023 and what you want you are looking for. It’s possible. You have to believe that, but it also does take work. It’s not a “froo-froo,” easy thing that you just say and, “POOF” it’s here! I’m sorry, but it’s not. You need to work daily on yourself to release the old patterns, beliefs, habits and blocks you are holding onto, and allow yourself to receive what it is you are seeking. So, just how do you do that? I’m going to give you some easy steps below and then go over each:

a. Allow yourself to feel what it is you are feeling.                                                                                   b. Can you put a feeling/emotion/sensation to that feeling?                                                                  c. Send yourself love and compassion, while allowing to release this feeling. Let yourself cry about it and really feel every emotion until it’s just gone.                                                                                d.Think about what it is you want to be feeling. 

Allow yourself to feel that and to have that.Sounds pretty easy, huh? It can be. Let’s start at the beginning…a. Allow yourself to feel what it is you are feeling. Sit in a comfortable chair, feet on the floor, back straight, shoulders back and relaxed down. You can close your eyes Now, breathe from your belly. Imagine a red balloon in your belly and when you inhale it inflates, and when you exhale, it deflates.  You can also put your hand on your belly, and even one on your chest and just breathe. Feel which hand is moving. The hand on your belly should be moving and your hand on your chest just slightly moving on the end of the exhalation. Once you get the feeling of that, close your eyes and continue breathing from your belly. Do about 5-10 breathsb. Start doing a scan from the top of your head down to your toes. What do you feel? Do you have any tension in your head,  jaw, ears… You can move your neck around. Is there any pain, tightness.  Keep going down. Down your chest, to your arms. Down your spine, torso/abdomen, pelvis, down to your hips, past your upper legs, past your knees, down the lower legs to your ankles and feet. What are you feeling. Any tightness or heaviness in your chest, pain or discomfort in your abdomen?  If/when you find an area with some discomfort, focus on that area. What does it feel like? Does it feel like an emotion? Does it have a color, size, texture? Continue to focus on this area.c. Tell it that you love and you are there. Just focus on this sensation you are having, and do deep belly breathing. Cry if you feel like it. It’s really important to feel the emotion, really feel it. The stronger you feel what is holding you back, the easier it will release. It is all just energy. Keep that in mind. Energy is always in motion. The whole time you are feeling this sensation, keep your body relaxed, shoulders down, face relaxed…  Tell yourself, “I love you. It is okay that you are feeling all this.” You will notice that it will dissipate. It may not do it quick. You may have to do this exercise several times before it releases. Each time really focus more on what you are feeling and FEEL it. It will dissipate.  Sit still and keep breathing and do another body scan.

d. Now that the block is gone, just sit and relax. You can close your eyes. Take 3-5 more deep belly breaths and just relax, keeping your back straight, feet on the floor and your shoulders back and relaxed down. It’s time to do a little meditation. Close your eyes and think about what it is you want from 2023. Act like you already have it. You can say, “I am so grateful that I ________.” Then, just focus on your breathing. Slow your breath and make each breath a little longer. Just focus on your breathing. If a thought pops up, just acknowledge it and let it go. When you come out of the meditation, write that down. It may be something you need to Tap on or meditate on. Do this for at least 10 minutes, then build up on it. You want to do just one “want” or “intention” at a time. It’s just like when we try to do everything at once, and then you end up not getting anything done. It’s the same with meditating and setting intentions. Do one and focus on that until you feel like you are ready to go to the next “want.”

Start there and let me know how you liked this. I have a Tapping on Releasing 2022 and receiving 2023 on my FB page and on YouTube….@wellfitways8465.

Bringing love and light into your New Year!!


Self-Care gifts for the Holidays…

Do you have any of those people that have everything and you don’t know what to get them for the Holidays? Or, anyone who always takes back your gift because they “Just don’t like it?” Also, those that you may not know well, like a caregiver, who you want to get something for, but you aren’t sure what they like.

Your problems are solved. Give the gift of self-care. If they are an active person, get them something for their workouts. Either a new piece of equipment or weight, gym clothes, tennis shoes/running shoes, hiking, etc., new golf club, a bike or a kayak…something sporty.  I bet they will not take any of that back to the store!

What about someone who loves makeup and looking good? I’ve got you covered on that one, too. What about organic skin products? There are so many on the market, get them something from a couple different “clean” lines, and they will love it.

What about someone who loves food? Okay, what about a gift certificate for a couple free meals from a “clean/organic” food service? They can even pick out what meals they want to get. Such a great gift, especially if they work late and making dinners is difficult.

Someone who loves scents? I’ve got you covered on that one, also. There are so many aromatherapy lines out there, it’s not funny, BUT, it is wonderful. You can get scented candles that are healthy because they use essential oils, or you can get beeswax or soy candles with essential oils.

Still think you don’t have enough ideas? Well, there are courses for people on any topic imaginable for self-care. Take 50+ WellFit, for example! (HaHa…that’s me!!) I have programs for someone who maybe hasn’t been feeling like they are where they want to be…I have a course on “I Am Enough,” and Self-Care for Women 50+. I also now have EFT/Tapping coaching, working 1:1 with women 50+ and focusing on Emotional Freedom Technique/Tapping to release old beliefs/blocks to move forward in their life. Maybe they have been depressed, anxious, wanting to lose weight, money blocks, relationship issues, etc. Tapping will calm down the nervous system so you can get past the old beliefs and feelings and make better decisions and move forward in life.

What about someone who loves plants? Got ya there, too! Do you know that there are healing plants that are wonderful to surround yourself with? Well, there are! Plants can be healing, like an aloe plant; healthy CO2 balanced air, energy and positivity. Let me give you some of the plants that would be a nice gift, especially as a hostess gift…. ALOE VERA, as I already stated. It can be used for burns, skin irritation, infections, and internally for helping with digestion. ENGLISH MARIGOLD, can help with body pain if applied topically, plus it’s a beautiful, bright orange color that is pleasing to the eye. Dried, it can help decrease pain and swelling of insect bites. SPIDER PLANT, SNAKE PLANT, FIDDLE LEAF FIG, PONYTAIL PALM AND BOSTON FERN, are great air-purifying house plants. Plus, placed on your desk and around your home office offers an improved emotional state, calming a negative mood, increases focus and creativity. KAVA, also helps to purify the air in your home, plus the relaxing kava plant, is noted for its anti-anxiety effects. These ideas are great for even elderly loved ones. Everyone loves plants, and they make people feel better; even those loved ones with dementia.

So, now you can finish up your Holiday shopping for everyone, even those that seem to have everything and those that are never happy with what you got them! Try these Self-Care ideas for this Holiday Season.

Hobbies for Self-Care?

The Holidays are upon us and life can get very hectic and stressful. One great way we can de-stress is to show ourselves some love by self-care. Self-care is the new buzz-word. You see and hear it everywhere. Why? Well, because it is so needed. We need to take some time-out to de-stress, calm down, relax, re-energize, just do nothing, just BE and let our brain and body rest. By giving ourselves this time to do something loving for our body, mind and spirit, we can show up in a better place, being able to benefit more people, better. People are realizing we need to take care of ourselves first, before we can help anyone else.

People say self-care is being selfish. I say, it’s selfish NOT to give yourself that self-care.  But, it IS selfish to not give to yourself! Think about it…when you are at your best, aren’t you better able to help others, to give to others? Yes, you are! So, think of it as selfish not to give yourself this time.

Think about another thing. With the Holidays so hectic, we often get burnout, due to overwhelm and trying to do everything for everyone, get all the holiday plans in order and prepare for family or friends that may be coming to stay with us, or just coming for a get-together and dinner. That, in my eyes, is very stressful.

That is where self-care comes into play. I know you are saying, “OK, you just reminded me of all the planning and shopping I have to do to get prepared, now you want me to add something else into the mix, like self-care???” Well, the answer is, “YES!” You are adding in something that should already be there.  Think about this…If you take a little time to do something that you really enjoy doing, are passionate about, to just give your mind a break and have some fun (and release some endorphins), you will be more relaxed and may even end up enjoying the Holiday prep-work you need to do.

So, do you have any hobbies? At least one, maybe? I have found that 3-5 hobbies are best. Several articles I have read say the same. In one article, the 3 that Paul Wilkins states you should have are:

      • One hobby that can make you money (for example, a craft, such as crochet, wood-work, jewelry-making).
      • One hobby that will keep you in shape (example, running, biking, kayaking, hiking).
      • And one hobby that will keep you creative (example, the crafts stated above; writing).

Okay, now that may sound a little crazy (not to be started during the holidays! HA!) However, you can mix and match them, according to Wilkins.

Now, the other two (to make the 5), are:

      • Hobbies that build your knowledge (for example, reading).
      • Hobbies to help you socialize (examples; volunteering, take a dance class).

There you go. The hobbies that can make you money are nice, because you can get into socialization if you do a craft fair, or a Holiday Fair, and can make some supplemental money by selling patterns, or on a website. Again, I definitely would not do 3 to 5 during the holidays, but, hey, you may use your hobby to make holiday gifts. Making creative place settings and napkin holders for the table, or a floral arrangement for the centerpiece. Maybe sewing or knitting cute hats or sweaters to give as a gift. Those are nice, because if you think ahead, you can have much of your holiday work done by August!

The moral of this story/blog….is to take some time out for something you enjoy doing. Give yourself a break. You deserve it, AND, when you do, you will have some renewed energy to put into you Holiday tasks.

Happy Hobby-days!!!!

Practicing Gratitude this Holiday Season

It sounds cliche and everyone is talking about it, however, how many people are doing it? Let me ask it this way, “How many people are doing it the best way to actually benefit from it?”

First of all, let me say, “Happy Holidays” to everyone, everywhere, whatever holiday you may celebrate. Holidays can be very difficult, and they can also be enjoyable and gratifying. Everyone has someone they wish could be with them during the holidays, which makes it more difficult, but, we always manage to get through it. Then, there are others who have someone that they may honestly wish was not there spending time with them. Let’s be honest, here.

The main thing we always hear, though, is to be grateful. I think that is what most of us think about during the Holidays, right? I hope so, anyway. Even in the bleakest of times, I was always able to find something to be grateful for.

That is why I am here today, writing this blog post, to remind you of all you have to be grateful and thankful for. There are so many sad and scary, horrible things going on in this world, we just need to look around and be thankful for what and who we have in our lives, even if they are a little rough and tough right now. All we hear about are the bad things going on in the world, but what about all the wonderful things going on? There are so many natural catastrophe’s lately, and that is horrible; however, look at how people are coming together to help out. People, overall are good! But, everyone always focuses on the bad, which brings more bad into the world. I always ask, “Why can’t everyone just be nice???” And, just be grateful for what and who we have…

So, how can we practice gratitude but really benefit from it? You’ve heard about writing down 3-10 things you are grateful for every day in your Gratitude Journal. I’ve done that and it is very nice; however, it didn’t do much for me, other than for a brief moment or two, right?

I’ve done a lot of research and listen to a lot of people who discuss the best ways to practice gratitude. One, my cousin sent to me that I absolutely love. It is a podcast by The Huberman Lab. They talk about the practice of gratitude and how to really do it to receive health benefits from it. Also, Dr. Kim D’Eramo (an ER trauma physician who is the founder of the American Institute of MindBody Medicine), who now practices and teaches MindBody techniques. The idea is to think of something that makes you grateful, it may even be some video that you saw that just made you feel really good, happy and grateful. You want to get that good feeling of gratefulness and hang on to it for over a period of time, say a minute to 3 minutes. Really feel that gratitude. Or, think of a time when you just felt so very grateful. Picture that image and think about it, really feel it. Hold on to that feeling and feel that gratitude that you felt at the original moment. This actually changes old beliefs in your brain. It is so beneficial. Try it and do it daily. You can still keep a Gratitude Journal. It’s not going to hurt, it can only help and bring those things your grateful for to the forefront of your thoughts.

The more you practice gratitude, the more you appreciate things. You are calmer, more appreciative and more mindful. So, if you haven’t practiced Gratitude, start this Holiday Season with an Attitude of Gratitude to make your Holidays much brighter.

I am so grateful for all of you, and wishing you and your family’s a Happy Holiday Season.