Those of us who have cancer know that feeling of dread; your heart suddenly just dropping and everything becomes surreal. What happens after that depends on each individual.
You go through a process, a grieving process; because, in fact, you are grieving a loss. A loss of your health. A loss of the life that you once had. After that, you can say, “I have cancer. That means I am going to die!” or, you can say, “Ok, I have cancer. What is my plan? How do I feel about it? What can I do to make a difference in my life?” I chose the latter and, I hope you do, or have, as well.
I have been doing mind-body work and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Tapping for a while, but knew I was still holding a lot of anger and grief in my body from my childhood and first marriage. I honestly have to say that I was not totally surprised when they told me I had breast cancer. What I understood, almost immediately was that holding onto my past was a huge instigator to. my diagnosis that day. I don’t think I ever really though, “Why me?” Because, I really did know Why! I was actually grateful and still am for my cancer. It was my body saying, “Hey, will you take a look at me? Will you listen to what I am trying to tell you?” It was, in fact, telling me a lot!
From there, I felt literally grateful for my diagnosis. It was showing me the way back to health; a way back to the real me and the life that I was born to live. I learned how to listen to my body; to listen to what it was telling me. What it was telling me was to STOP the old programs and beliefs and to start loving myself. To show compassion to myself and to others. To love my life, my body, mind and spirit for what and where it was in that moment. To be happy and grateful for everything I had in that moment. I know it all sounds so crazy and difficult; and, it can be.
You got this diagnosis, or have had this diagnosis, so now what?? You have options. You have thoughts that you have; maybe negative, maybe positive. You have alternative measures you can take to help decrease pain, fear, anger, overwhelm, anxiety, negativity…
Some of the options I use are: EFT Tapping (also just called plain Tapping; self-awareness exercises, meditation, some yoga, Ho’oponopono, and breathing exercises, practicing mindfulness and gratitude, among some other mind-body healing exercises. All I can say is I keep this up daily. I found a daily routine that works for me and I do it 1-2 times or more a day. I feel better and stronger mentally, physically and spiritually. I literally love my life, before surgery and now. I try to really live in the moment, being mindful and very grateful for what and who I have in my life, and, for myself. It has all been part of my journey, as well as yours’ is part of your journey.
So, live your life. Accepting your cancer is very important to your healing process. You want to be a fighter, but you don’t want to fight the cancer. You want to love it and listen to what it is telling you/your body. This may be very difficult, but it is possible. Letting go of the anger, pain, fear, etc., will help you do this. So, don’t grieve the life you had prior to your diagnosis. Live this life, it may be even better.
For more information or to work with me 1:1 to start feeling better and living life, click on my website and go to Programs/1:1.
Make your LIFE a GREAT one!