
About Roberta

Hi! My name is Roberta Stack Kalinsky, creator of 50+ WellFit.

I’ve always loved working people older than me ever since I was a little kid.  As I got older I began gaining interest in fitness, self-care, energy and the mind body connection.

Later, I worked in the healthcare system with patients mostly ages 50 and up.  I retired from the healthcare world, and received my Certification in Personal Training and dove into learning more about the importance of self-care. This is when I became inthralled with wellness and how our thoughts and beliefs can control our body, if we don’t take care of ourselves.

Working with women age 50 and over, I came to realize how many were not happy with themselves and the lives they were living. They had raised their children and had taken care of everyone except themselves, and now many women seemed lost and looking for more; looking for the life of their dreams. I decided to educate myself more and took the steps needed to start and run a successful business, doing exactly what I have always wanted to do, and growing more and more every day. 

Then, I had an enlightening happen to me. I got sick in December of 2021. This illness led to me finding a mass in my breast, which turned out to be nothing, but a “real” mass was found just below the one I found previously. Everything was so synchronous, I realized I had angels leading the way for me. I always told my dad that I felt I was meant for something bigger. Well, he gave me that bigger purpose! Now, with all that I have learned in the past, I used that information to help myself with healing and to allow my body to do what it needed to do in order to live the life I have always wanted. Cancer is a gift, that has allowed me to review my life, what changes I needed to make and now to use my “story” to help other women.  Women who are healthy, happy, with illness, whomever, to start living the life they want to live and to release old thoughts and belief systems that are keeping them from living this life. Emotions I have held on to made me physically sick and emotionally drained; blocked emotions that would not let me move into loving myself and realizing who I was and what I could be and do. Now, I know WHO I AM, AND WHERE I AM GOING AND, LOVING IT!!

Now, I am helping women to find themselves and who and what they can be by releasing those emotions, many of which they never knew they were holding onto or knew that they had. This is done by meditations, different breathing exercises, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and other practices and exercises that allow you to free yourself from your past and present blocks. 

I’ve done this by developing a mindbody connection program, called Self-Care for Women 50+, that is a self-study course with weekly, live Zoom group meetings with myself, or you can work with me 1:1. With my programs you have life-time access to any updates and to the private Facebook group.

I am also working on an Online Course for “5- Weeks to Conquering Caregiving: Self-Care for the Caregiver.” Taking Care of YOU! Watch for this program. This program is dear to my heart, for my mom had dementia and my sisters and I were her caregivers. I also became a Certified Dementia Practitioner and ran support groups for caregivers. 

Women have worked so hard to raise their families and keep everyone safe and happy. Once becoming empty nesters, many women feel they don’t know what to do with themselves or feel like they never did what they really wanted to do in life. Many women have lack of confidence in themselves and/or their abilities. Many feel they are too old to make changes in their life; they lived their life, it’s too late to do what they always wanted to do…This is so FALSE!!! IT IS NEVER too late to make changes and to live the life you’ve always wanted; to release blocks/emotions you have had or were afraid of! NOW is the time! If you are wanting more, NOW is the time. So, do something huge for yourself. Make yourself happy! Take care of yourself and learn how you can find who you are and what you want to do and BE!