Our Programs

Join Me On Trainerize

Trainerize is an app you can download for a 1:1 personalized program to help you achieve your wellness goals.  Click the button below to join or learn more and check out my FREE 2 Week Starter Challenge!!


Work with me individually, where we tailor the plan to fit your needs and goals. Two packages to choose from:

6-Week Package:

  • Free 45 minute consultation call: Discuss needs and wants, develop goals and plan.
  • Live 90 minute zoom call  each week.
  • Each week we will work on a goal created from your personalized plan. I will strategically plan out each week, to be sure no goal is missed or overlooked.
  • An agreed-upon game plan in place after each call that you can start following immediately to achieve your goal.
  • Videos you can access for various techniques to assist you in reading your goals and working through your journey.  Some topics include: breathing exercises, self-awareness exercises, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique/Tapping) videos, ideas of self-care activities, fitness, etc.
  • E-mail me up to 2 times each week with questions, etc.

FEE: $399 

12-Week Package

  • Free 45 minute consultation call: Discuss needs and wants, develop goals and plan.
  • Live 90 minute zoom call  each week.
  • Each week we will work on a goal created from your personalized plan. I will strategically plan out each week, to be sure no goal is missed or overlooked.
  • An agreed-upon game plan in place after each call that you can start following immediately to achieve your goal.
  • Videos you can access for various techniques to assist you in reading your goals and working through your journey.  Some topics include: breathing exercises, self-awareness exercises, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique/Tapping) videos, ideas of self-care activities, fitness, etc.

FEE: $799   



A 6-week online program to perform at your own pace. 

The course is laid out to complete one module per week; however, you can work quicker or slower.

Topics such as:  Finding Balance, Practicing Gratitude Emotional Blocks and Releasing Them, Finding You and the Life of Your Dreams,  Investigating Self-Care Activities, Meditation Techniques, and others. 

Weekly, live Zoom calls for 6 weeks with occasional guest speakers.

Access to videos on topics  and techniques from the program. (EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique, Learning several Breathing Exercises, amongst others.)

Membership to the Facebook group where wins can be celebrated,  questions and problems answered and/or troubleshooted. 

FEE: $399 

I Am Enough Mini-Course

This course is designed to allow you to identify with your feelings of “Being Enough.” Through the use of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique/Tapping), you release any old thoughts/beliefs that you are not enough, and are Empowered  into realizing you always have been and always will Be Enough.

FEE: $49


Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or Tapping is a mind-body, self-help method of literally “tapping” on meridian/acupoints used in Chinese medicine, allowing energy to flow by using your fingertips to help calm your nervous system. I like to say it’s like acupuncture but without needles. 

EFT/Tapping is used to reduce stress and anxiety, calm pain and fear, reduce cravings, financial problems, improve focus and motivation, amongst many other things. You literally can use tapping for any issue you want to change.  

By tapping on the meridian points and focusing on the negative situation you want to release, you allow a calming of the nervous system which then allows the energy to move, releasing the block.

You can sign up for a 1-month or 3-month option in this program. You will receive an initial Zoom meeting, approximately 60 minutes, where we will go over the issue you want to work on and perform the initial ‘tapping” session. In that session, you will learn how to do the tapping so you can carry that over into your daily self-care routine.  After that, you will receive 2 Zoom meetings a month, approximately 30 minutes.

Introductory Price:

1-month: $90.00

3-month: $220.00