Do you go through your day rushing here and there and forgetting to do the things you needed to get done, or, do you go through your day with ease and fluidity? Which would you prefer? I’m guessing that it would be the latter; going through your day with ease and fluidity. Isn’t that a goal in life, to have calmness and allow things to just happen the way that is best for us? Well, this is our time to not only start thinking about this, but actually living it! It’s not that hard once you know what you need to do. So, here are 3 ways that you can find the balance you desire with ease and harmony.

  • What is your WHY? Why do you want to have a life of ease and fluidity? Dig down and keep asking yourself, ‘why’. So, for example, maybe you want a balanced life with ease and fluidity because you hate the chaos. Okay, but ‘why’ don’t you like the chaos? What else do you want and why? I can guarantee you, it’s not because you want an easier life. The answer is probably around the fact that you want a life of freedom, peace, or ease. 
  • Take 3 to 5 deep belly breaths. Relax your shoulders, breathe in through your nose and out through your nose or mouth and breathe slowly. Sit in quiet and just ask the question, “What would it feel like to live a life of ease and fluidity?” Don’t answer the question, just put it out there. Your question will be answered, just be open to it. It may not happen immediately. Just keep breathing slowly and focus on your body. What do you feel in your body, starting at your head and go down to your feet. Is there any tightness in your chest due to the chaos and overwhelm? Is there any pain? How big is this pain, tightness? What emotions come up? If you could name the color of  the physical pain/emotion, what would that color be? What is the shape of this pain, emotion? When you feel relaxed you can stop.
  • Now that you have your ‘Why” and you are aware of what you are feeling in your    body, it is time to choose ease into your body. You have to make the decision, the choice to feel ease and to live with fluidity. Even if you don’t feel the ease, just stop and breathe. State to yourself, “I choose to live in a state of ease and harmony.” You have to catch yourself when you start feeling overwhelmed and just caught up in the moment. Stop and breathe. You can put your hand over your heart and breathe through your heart. Breathing slowly and deeply. When you inhale, count to 4, and when you exhale, count to 4. Just keep repeating “I choose to live in a state of ease and harmony/fluidity.” Picture what your life looks like in a state of ease and harmony/fluidity. Tell yourself, “It’s okay that you keep going back to chaos. It’s okay. I love you. I am here with you.” The biggest thing is making this choice to live the life you desire and to be aware of your slipping back into the chaos, and breathing ease in. 

So, now you have 3 steps to start living a life of balance. It isn’t that hard, but it is something that takes a while to remember to keep going back to these steps when you fall back into the chaos and overwhelm. It takes 21 days to make a habit. Give this at least 21 days, faithfully doing these practices. I do this every morning when I wake up, before getting out of bed; along with my gratitude practice, etc. You will be amazed when you start to see changes. You may not even realize it at first. Enjoy living a life of balance, your life of ease and harmony.