Breast Cancer and Fitness…

Breast cancer does not have to be the end of may be the beginning!  I have Estrogen-positive breast cancer, that was stage I, grade 3. If I had not gone to get it checked because I felt a huge, finger-like lump in my right breast (that was nothing), I would not have found that I really did have a mass, but not the one I thought was a problem. Life has a way of showing you the way! That day was a blessing and I’m very grateful for it.

The day after I had my first surgery, I was exercising my arm. I had 1-2 lymph nodes removed (one was a lymph node, the other turned out to be fatty tissue). Having worked in the Occupational Therapy field for over 30 years, I knew what I needed to do. Range my arm in every plane so that I wouldn’t get lymphedema and stiffness. Ask your doctor a lot of questions.  Ask when you can start exercising and how much; what, if any contraindications you may have. When you get that information, do what you are told. Don’t go crazy exercising. You don’t want to hurt yourself, you just want to get back into moving your arm and feeling better, following what they are telling you, specifically.

I knew what to do, and I knew the importance of getting back into exercise, also being a Certified Personal Trainer, working with women over 50. There are people who feel they shouldn’t or can’t exercise. Again, check with your doctor, but exercise is so important after breast cancer surgery to get the fluid moving to prevent lymphedema, to keep your range of motion, to feel better, to feel Alive! If you have never been an exerciser and just don’t like it, try Yoga, Tai Chi, anything. It is wonderful for not only your body, but your mind and spirit.

Usually you can start the day after surgery, but again, check with your doctor. If you are not new to fitness, you will probably feel better physically and mentally, and usually will be more motivated to get back into it. Do not do any exercises if you have drains and stitches. Talk with your doctor to get the okay after those are out.

My fitness is mostly intended for women who have had a lumpectomy/partial mastectomy. This is what I had and feel more comfortable talking about. I know what I did and what helped me, personally. Still, get the ok to start. If you ever feel worse, feel pain, or off balance/dizzy, stop immediately. Keep hydrated and start with a chair or counter in front of you. You can even start in a seated position. I will be doing a video on chair exercise to get you started. I did this just to be on the safe side, working my way up as I felt I could.

Range of motion exercises on the surgical side arm will help make dressing, combing your hair and moving around as usual much easier. You will notice a tightness in your arm on the surgical side. You also will feel a numbness, tingling, weird feeling from any lymph node removal. I still have some of the strange feelings you get from the lymph removal, not as bad as I did, but a year-plus out, I still get occasional strange sensations under my arm. If you get nervous about something you feel or are doing, call your doctor or nurse. They will help you and will know your personal situation and give you the best answers.

Let me give you some good, quick exercises you can do to start with. First, check with your doctor!

Deep breathing. Imagine having a balloon in your abdomen. Inhale through your nose and picture that balloon filling up with air. You can keep one hand on your abdomen to make sure your hand is going in and out. When you inhale, you are expanding your abdomen and your hand will move out. Now exhale and picture the balloon contracting and your hand moving back in towards your spine.  If this is difficult for you, lay on your back and bend your knees with your feet flat on the bed or floor. When you lay like this, you automatically start to breathe from your abdomen. It will give you a feel of it.

Do this deep breathing while expanding your chest and abdomen until you can’t inhale any more. Then, relax and breathe out, with your tummy going in towards your spine. Do this about 5 times every day. You will feel great after this. It helps to clear your mind, as well. You can even make a deep sigh sound when you exhale to release any stress.

Another breathing exercise is to follow the instructions above, but when you are inhaling and expanding your abdomen, picture a calming, white light coming in through your whole body, then exhale and picture black toxins and stress leaving your body.

For your upper extremities, if you are having a difficult time lifting the surgical arm, fold your hands together, as in praying. Use the non-surgical arm strength to help life the surgical arm. Lifting both arms up over your head. Stop if it hurts. Go slow and take your time. Make sure you are breathing in through your nose when your arm is going up, then exhale through pursed lips bringing your arm down. I started with about 10 repetitions. Again, follow your doctor’s orders. They usually give you a handout on exercises to do and how many reps. Follow this handout.

So, the first exercise is raising your arms up over your head and down, again, only going as high as you can, and increasing as you can. The second is to bring your hands to your chest and then straight out. You can do this with your hands folded together or not. Do not use weights until allowed. Do this exercise about 10 times.

Then, with hands folded, straight out and chest height, slowly bring both arms to the right side, then to the left. Again, about 10 reps.

Then, bend your elbow, bringing your hand/s to your chin, then straight down towards your lap, doing about 10 reps.

You can also hold onto the back of a sturdy chair and do 10 squats, kick one leg out to the side at a time, then out towards the back. Slowly doing these exercises. If you feel dizzy, stop and sit down. Drink some water, as well. You always want to have water with you when exercising, Stay hydrated.

The last exercise I will give you today is to walk. If you are unable to get outside and take a walk in nice weather, take a couple laps around your kitchen or house. Obviously, outside would be nicer, but do what you can. If you are a little weak, make sure you have someone with you. Don’t take any undo risks. You have been through enough.

You have been blessed, for your body is telling you something. What is that something? Maybe it is to slow down, maybe start taking care of yourself, maybe to let go of past anger, hurt, resentment. The list goes on, however, there is a lesson. Meditate on it, ask questions. This is your blessing…to learn what it is you need to let go of. I’m not saying it is easy. Ohhhh, it isn’t. Parts are, but not all, but it is still a blessing, nonetheless. Learn what your blessing is and go with it. Live your life!

If you are interested in more like this, please check out my Trainerize Fitness Program, at


The Benefits of Setting up Boundaries

Boundaries?? You say….Some of us have them and make great use of them and others, well, we say…”What are boundaries???”

According to Berkeley Well-Being Institute, “Psychological boundaries – or the standard by which we want people to treat us – are harder to identify,” compared to a “fence (that) might be used to keep 2 things separate from each other or to provide protection from another entity.”

How we “allow” others to treat us and how far we are willing to let them push our buttons or tell us what to do, how to do it, etc. is a reason we need to set up boundaries.  Many boundaries are “situation-specific,” meaning they may change somewhat according to the particular situation. Say you don’t answer calls from a specific person after a certain time because they always seem to need your help or your ear to listen to their complaints, etc. However, if an emergency situation comes up, you do drop those boundaries (or some) to assist in the emergency situation only.

Boundaries are required from things such as how close you allow a person to get up into “your space,” to what time to turn off your phone, what topics you are willing to discuss (the old saying about don’t discuss, finances, religion or politics was made for a reason and still holds true!), what types of language you will accept (e.g., certain swear words or inappropriate comments), to certain topics that trigger you and manipulation, to name a few.

It is more difficult to set boundaries with some people. You know who those are in your life. But, it is so important to set them up and keep them as much as you can. When you stick with your boundaries you will decrease your stress level immensely. You are being true to your needs and beliefs, which decreases stress. When you stick with those boundaries, you are not letting people walk all over you, take advantage of you or manipulate you. You are not allowing them to zap all the energy out of you. You are not letting them guilt you into anything,

When you have a strong awareness into your wants and needs, it makes it easier to keep boundaries. When we know ourselves and are aware of our beliefs,  it allows us to really understand who we are and what we are about, which then allows us to relay this information to our family, friends, and others. This allows us to understand what boundaries we need to make.

When we are flexible with our emotions, we can “Accept the reality of the situation accept our own thoughts, feelings, emotions, and consider our values – all of which informs our behavior for that given moment. (Cherry et al, 2021, Ciarrochi,, Bilich, & Godsell, 2010) “We use psychological flexibility to create and communicate boundaries for each situation rather than imposing a one size fits all approach.” (Berkeley Well-Being Institute)

On the other hand, “When we are rigid in our emotions, behaviors and thoughts we experience psychological inflexibility. Psychological inflexibility is a risk factor for experiencing mental health challenges such as anxiety and depression. (Cherry et al, 2021, Ciarrochi, Bilich, & Godsell, 2010) “Moreover it can prevent us from living in a way that is intentionally aligned with our own goals.” (Ciarrochi, Bilich, & Godsell, 2010).

So, you see, there are reasons why boundaries are important. Besides what I stated above, they allow us to protect ourselves from people and situations that may be dangerous or just not beneficial to us.

Boundaries can help us connect deeper with ourselves to better know and understand ourselves, our wants and needs.

By gaining better self-awareness and insight, “we can get to know ourselves in a deeper way and share that with our partners, family and friends. Boundaries can be a way of demonstrating compassion towards yourself and compassion towards others.” (Berkeley Well-Being Institute)

Has this convinced you of setting up some boundaries? I hope so. Sure, it isn’t always (or often) easy to set up and keep boundaries, but once you start, it does get easier and, is such a wonderful gift you can give to yourself.


Where and how do you find calm when you are feeling stressed, anxious and overwhelm, when you are feeling so stuck and not able to move forward? There are things you can do to feel better – to find calm. When we are feeling like this, we get so stuck in our thoughts, which actually get us more stressed and anxious, that we can’t even see the opportunities that may be presenting themselves to us. When we get that stressed, our whole being gets so tense that we just can’t see any “openness;” everything is dense and negative. When this is the case, how could we see anything positive and light? It’s just not going to happen. This is when we need to “find calm!” However, this is when we just can’t even imaging calm, let alone be open to it.

Okay, then, just how can we “find calm” you ask? I’m going to give you several self-care acts you can do that will allow that stress, anxiety and overwhelm become a little less dense and heavy and allow it to soften and lighten, showing you the light at the end of the tunnel.

  1. Breathing exercises. If you follow me, you know breathing exercises are my end-all and be-all choice to calming down and opening up. By just sitting straight in a comfortable chair, straight back, shoulders soft and down, and feet flat on the floor, take 3 slow, deep belly breaths. Then just do a quick body scan starting from the top of your head down to your feet. What is your body telling you? Are you feeling any sensations (tightness, heaviness, pain, discomfort, racing heart…)? Can you attach any emotions to those sensations. Just sit and take deep breaths and exhale with a sigh to allow that energy to start moving. Feel your body relax. Allow yourself to feel what you are feeling. Your body is telling you something. Listen to it. Do this until you feel ready to get moving. Allow the thoughts to come up. You may even see some inspiration and opportunities.
  2. Meditation. The breathing exercises above are a type of meditation. But you can also sit and listen to calm, relaxing meditative music. You can sit and focus on your breathing, or even watch a candle flickering. Try to clear your head. Allow thoughts to come in and acknowledge them, then let them go. Do this until you are feeling calmer.
  3. Connect with nature. Go for a walk or run. Maybe do some stretching and exercises. This allows the endorphins (our natural “feel-good” hormones) to release, making us feel better.
  4. Give yourself a break. Allow yourself this gift; this self-care act of love to yourself. Maybe take a quick power nap; or a bubble bath with candles lit and soft, relaxing music in the background. Add some essential oils to the mix, or even in the bath (make sure you have ones that you can do that). If you want to break away from reality for a while, take even just 15 minutes to read a good book that can just whisk you away for that time. Or, maybe watch a little comedy on tv to make you laugh. And, you can always call your go-to friend to help you out; you know that friend that just knows what to say and when to say it to make you feel better.
  5. Have “tea time.” Chamomile is always a good tea to calm and relax you. Or, any calming tea of your choice.
  6. And, last but not least, by all-time go-to…EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique, also called “Tapping.” If you are not familiar with Tapping, it is kind of like acupuncture, but without the needles. You tap on certain meridians while tapping on something that is bothering you, and it calms down your nervous system.  I attached the video I did on tapping for “Finding Calm” below.

There are 6 ways to help you find your calm. By putting your body in a state of calm, you are allowing your body to heal and be healthier. When we are stressed in a state of overwhelm and anxiety, our body tenses and inflammation begins, causing illness. Stop it in its tracks! Break up that stress by doing one of these self-care activities to calm yourself and allow you to find calm.

Go to my website, to find out more about Self-Care for Women 50+.

Make it a Great Day! Remember, you are the creator of your life. Let it be a great one!





Do you know who you are? Really know who you are? I didn’t for many, many years. I started to and then I was diagnosed with breast cancer. That was when I really began to know myself. What a blessing that was. I was given a second chance to find me. To find out who I really was and am. 

Is this something you struggle with? Who am I? What do I like to do? What do I not like to do? What is my life purpose? Do you hold your feelings in during a conflict? Do you say yes to everyone and everything…except to yourself? 

Do you want to get to know yourself? Let’s try something…Introduce yourself to yourself!

Say, “Hi (name)! I would like to introduce you to (name). She is ….. (fill in the blank)”

How did that go? Were you able to fill in the blank? If not, finish reading this blog post and go back to this exercise after doing these exercises several times and see what comes up. Don’t try too hard. Don’t use your head. Instead, use your heart. What is your heart telling you about yourself? Go back to this exercise anytime you want to check on who you are.

Let’s go over 3 easy steps you can take right now to start learning who you are, so you can be true to YOU!

  1. Tune in to your feelings, emotions, thoughts, surroundings, life etc. Become self-aware of all these things. What do you feel? What are you thinking? What emotions are inside you? Are you aware of where you are, your surroundings, your heart and soul? 
  1. Trust your gut and follow your heart. Think about how you feel inside before you give an answer to someone. What is your gut and your heart telling you to do. The more you sit with these questions, the easier it becomes to be intuitive of your feelings.
  1. STOP pleasing others. Please yourself first. This doesn’t make you selfish. It is self-care. If you aren’t happy, how can you make anyone else happy? Have those boundaries and say NO when you feel you want and/or need to. It is difficult to say “No” in the beginning, but it really does get to be easier, makes you feel so much better and, many times is a relief.

There are 3 steps (actually 5), but who’s counting? They sound pretty easy, no? Yes, they do sound easy, maybe not so easy to put into action. It takes a commitment to do this. You have to make the time to do it. But, isn’t it worth it to find you? You only get one chance in life, why not make it the best one ever, doing You, being You? 

Take the time to sit with yourself, starting with just 5 minutes a day for a week. Then add another 5 minutes…keep adding time to just sitting in the quiet and breathing from your heart. Meditation is wonderful. It has taken me years to get to 30 minutes of just sitting and “being,” but I have made such wonderful advances in understanding myself and listening to what my body is telling me. How it feels physically, emotionally, spiritually…. Your’s will too. 

Being true to YOU and finding who you are and what you want in life makes for a happy and healthy life. The more you do things that you love to do the happier and healthier you are going to be. We need to take the time to do these kinds of self-care acts for ourselves. Nobody else can make us happy, but US. This is being true to YOU. 

When you are learning to be true to yourself, you need to get really “REAL” with yourself. Don’t lie to yourself. Don’t use your head to think. Use your heart. It is easy to think something and say, “No, that is how I feel.” But, is it really? I had to sit down and meditate quite a bit the last week because I was going to get an infusion that would help decrease the recurrence of my breast cancer. At first it sounded wonderful. A win-win situation. And, maybe it is for others, but I’m not so sure it is for me. I wasn’t sleeping, I was getting moody and agitated. This is something that I have not been doing since my diagnosis. I have felt wonderful since I found out. I was given a second chance to do things the way I wanted to. Then, I meditated and all this heaviness came up about the infusion. I cancelled my appointment. It wasn’t something I needed to do. It was something that I could do if I wanted. I still may at a later date, if it comes up feeling light for me. But just not right now. Maybe now is not the time for me. I can still get it at a later date. As soon as I cancelled the appointment, the heaviness lifted. 

Now, don’t go cancelling appointments that you need. I am NOT saying that. It is a wonderful thing. It just isn’t for me in this moment. And, it was not something I needed to do. If it was, I would have spent much more time meditating on it and talking with doctors about it. So, please keep what appointments you need to!

I’m just using this as an example. I was true to myself by not doing it. I listened to my body, to myself and stayed true to me. I became aware of the feelings my body was giving me, that heaviness, not sleeping, moodiness and agitation. So, I said NO. I did it to please myself and nobody else. I know it was best for me (not anybody else), and trusted my intuition. That is something I could not and would not have done several or even a couple years ago. It has taken a lot of sitting with myself (and the cancer) and meditating. Doing deep breathing and learning to breathe from my heart. 

So, it may sound easy and it may sound difficult. It is what you make it. At times, it can be difficult to do take these actions, but think of the outcome. It is wonderful. You can introduce yourself to YOU and know who you are! It is a wonderful feeling. 

Go out there and find yourself. Be True To YOU!


Daily stretching….is it really something we need to do on a daily basis???? YES, IT IS!!!!

Doing simple stretches can help your body and mind in many ways, especially as those years keep creeping up on us. Yes, we do have to age, but, NO, we do not have to feel like we are getting older. If you don’t believe this, please get the book, “Younger Next Year,” by Chris Crowley and Henry S. Lodge, MD. It will definitely change your mind. There are several different versions of the book, plus, an Exercise Program book that has great stretches and it gives you daily programs. Check it out and you WILL feel Younger Next Year!

Anyway, you can tell I love that book! Stretching does do 3 very important things, amongst others…

  1. Keeps your muscles strong
  2. Keeps your muscles flexible
  3. Improves your wellbeing by making your feel better mentally, physically and emotionall

Can’t beat all that, huh? When you stretch, you can’t just do it once in a while. It is not a quick fix. You have to be in it for the long haul. It needs to become part of your daily routine.

By stretching each day, you elongate your muscles, which helps to decrease pain, improves flexibility, which improves your posture and, just plain makes you feel better. So, why is this important? Because when you don’t stretch, your muscles become tight and sore. That means your neck muscles get tight and it can become harder and harder to turn and/or move your neck, which can get pretty painful! Your shoulders start to roll forward, which makes your head go forward, making your look down more than up. Then, in turn, your back and hip muscles get tighter and you start bending more forward. All this leaning forward causes increased falls and, more pain, which then makes activity more and more difficult. Am I winning you over yet to start stretching? It’s not a pretty picture, and I can continue on and make you feel worse, BUT, I’m not going to. I think that is enough.

Let’s get into the pro’s of stretching. When you start a daily practice of stretching, it doesn’t have to take a long time. It can last 15 minutes! That is it…all to make you feel better, in so many different ways. When you stretch, you can decrease headaches, hip pain, back pain, all by just doing simple stretching. I’m going to give you some simple stretches to start out with that can make you feel a difference.

Check with your doctor before doing any new exercise/stretching program. If you have any medical reasons (contraindications), use your discretion with the exercises. Do not do any that you should not be doing.

When doing these stretches, stop if you have any pain. You just want a slow, steady stretch. Do not move from a sitting to standing position quickly. Pause and go slowly so you don’t get dizzy and stay hydrated with water.

I am having you start with 3-5 repetitions. Feel free to add receptions slowly as you progress. Make sure you breathe when doing any stretches or exercises.

1. Sit in a comfortable position, feet flat on the floor, or standing (if your balance is good. You can also have a chair to hold on to). Take a couple deep breaths. Turn your head to the right, with a slow, gentle stretch. You don’t want to feel any pain. Hold for 3-5 seconds, then slowly go to midline. Pause, then go to the left with a slow, gentle stretch., holding for 3-5 seconds. Repeat 3-5 times.

2. Starting with your head in a neutral position, bring you chin down to your chest, hold for 3-5 seconds, and up to midline. You can bring your head back a little, but not a lot! Again, if you feel pain, stop. Do 3-5 repetitions.

3. Bring your right ear to your right shoulder with a slow, gentle stretch. DO NOT BRING YOUR SHOULDER TO YOUR HEAD. Hold for 3-5 seconds, go to midline, then to the left and hold 3-5 seconds. Repeat 3-5 times.

4. Bring both arms up over your head, reaching for the stars. Lean to the right and hold 3-5 seconds, to midline, then to the left and hold 3-5 seconds. Repeat 3-5 times.

5. Standing with feet shoulder-width apart, lunge to the right, bringing your left arm over your head, then back to midline, and to the left bringing your right arm over your head. Repeat 3-5 times.

6. Bridging: Lay on the floor on your back. Knees bent, feet flat on the floor, shoulder-width apart and lift your buttocks off the floor and squeeze your gluteus muscles together. Hold for 3-5 seconds and go back down to the floor. Do 3-5 repetitions.

There are 6 easy stretches. There are so many more you can add on as you progress. Add different stretches and add onto the repetitions. Make these a part of your morning routine. Give it at least 4-6 weeks and see how you feel. It will make a difference in ways you may not even realize.

Try this. It’s worth it. YOU’RE WORTH IT!!

For more information, go to my website,, sign up for my newsletter and get a free Wellness Guide, and check out my new program, “Self-Care for Women 50+”

Feeling Your Best…. Inside OUT!!!

I was listening to a podcast and it was about feeling your best. It got me started thinking about what makes people feel their best. It really is different for each person. For some, it may be dressing up in a great outfit that makes them feel best. Others, maybe to get out and get in an awesome workout, maybe for some its about their career and landing a new client…and still others, maybe doing for others, maybe your weight…

What makes You feel your best? Is it things that you do for yourself, for others, or when someone tells you you are at your best? Some people focus on others’ opinions of themselves and forget about what they think about themselves. What I’m getting at is do you rely on others to make you feel good and at your best, or do you rely on yourself, how you feel, how you make yourself feel, things that you do that make you feel great?

What does feeling your best mean to You? What does that look like to You? What does that feel like to You? Do you feel worthy of feeling your best? Again, what does it take for you to feel your best…clothes, being happy, your work, your health, weight, others’ opinions? Ask yourself these questions. If you are not sure, take a 5 minute break and sit down in a quiet place, take a couple deep breaths and place your hand over your heart. Ask your heart these questions, AND…just listen. Don’t get into your head, don’t your mind answer (which is very difficult! I get it!)….just listen to your body. We are all our best until we get our heads into it. Our mind, ego, starts trying to protect us from all past pains, and keeps us away from what we are really feeling. So, again, ask your heart these questions, not your brain. Listen to what it has to tell you. If you quiet enough and just drop down into your heart, you will hear what it has to say to you. Don’t worry if you don’t get any answers the first time. It takes practice to just sit and be, to listen to your heart.

The more you do this, the more you will see that You Are Your Best! You always have been and you always will.

If getting to feel your best needs to be from someone on the outside, maybe it’s time to look inward to find your best self. Again, sitting with yourself and feeling what your heart is telling you, will allow you to find your best self right there, in You! Some people are like this, yet others need “accessories” to make them feel their best. Maybe great outfits, perfect hair, being at their dream body weight, looking their best…having people telling them how great they are in their jobs, as a parent, as a friend, as a whatever and wherever….And, hey, we all like to hear those things, and that’s great. But, is that what you wait for and need to believe you are your best?

Can you see that that stuff doesn’t matter. WE need to feel our best from the inside, knowing that we are Enough, that we are Beautiful, and at the perfect weight, and are an amazing cook, and everything else. Isn’t it more important that you feel your best from the inside out?

Other ways to do this, along with listening to your heart is with, you guessed it, Self-Care. Getting out and being in nature, being mindful of the sun on your face, the feel of the grass on your feet (yes, walk in the grass barefoot), listening to the birds and watching the clouds move by, looking at all the blades of grass showing us that abundance all around us. Tell me that can’t make you feel great from the inside out.

Other ways are doing yoga, meditating, getting enough sleep and eating healthy, along with all the things you do for yourself that make YOU FEEL YOUR BEST…INSIDE OUT!

3 Things You Can Do to Live Healthier in an Unhealthy World…Trying to, Anyway!

To be honest, before I got cancer, I pretty much ate anything and everything I wanted. Yes, that did include a whole bag of cheese puffs…my ultimate favorite! If I felt like ice cream or getting French fried mushrooms from Swensons, I did. Luckily, I wasn’t overweight, so I didn’t worry about that, but, I also didn’t overly worry about how bad the food was for me. I felt I had a pretty good family history of basically healthy people. I went in and out of phases of healthy eating.

Then, in January of 2022, I found out I had breast cancer. I went through it well. I did my self-care techniques and learned some new ones. I read books on breast cancer and being healthy to help heal yourself. This included eating clean, exercising, doing EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique/Tapping), deep breathing exercises and listening to what my body was telling me, using clean household products and skin care, keeping a healthy mindset, etc. I did this all to the best of my ability.

To the best of my ability…I say this because it seemed like each book said something different. “Don’t eat any dairy, nothing that comes from utters, to … you can eat dairy. Don’t eat peanuts, only almonds, walnuts, Brazil nuts, to…eat any nuts, they are great for you. So on and so on. Don’t eat sugar! Then, drink plenty of water, but don’t drink out of plastic, especially if the bottle has been out in the sun (because of the BPA). I already knew that one, but what I am getting at, is, it is not that easy to try to live healthy in this unhealthy world. I am not a nutritionist. I am just trying to give you some of the information I have found helped me. I advise you to speak with a licensed nutritionist to find what is right for you. I am trying to show how difficult it is to stay on a healthy, clean diet when you go out. This is just my perspective.

Anyway, I then started to stay away from dairy except for an occasional little bit of organic butter, oat milk creamer (2-3 grams of sugar) instead of my regular non-dairy creamer that had much more sugar. I drink water in a glass or a metal travel mug. However, it is difficult when you go to say, a ballgame or a fair to get water in a glass, or know that it is filtered water. I mean, I get it. People say then don’t go out or just have that as a cheat day. But, I want to go out and still be able to somewhat be healthy.

Being clean is important to me, however, I am not following it near 100%. The 3 things I state in this blog are the ones that I really work on. This is a work in progress, believe me! It is not all that easy, for the reasons stated above. Even just going outside and all you smell is fertilizers. Since my radiation, I cannot handle certain smells very well and mulch and fertilizers are probably the biggest ones I have a problem with, along with bonfire smoke.

So, here is my 3 things I try to do most of the time, even when I go out to try to be somewhat healthy in this non-healthy world:

  1. Sugar: Sugar, as we all know, is not good for you. Have you ever looked at how much sugar is in a can of pop? It’s scary! From my readings, and for my cancer, it is okay to have natural sugars. The ones in fruits and vegetables. My take on it is to avoid added sugars as much as you can. Do that for a month and see how much better you feel. This is all from my readings. None of my medical doctors gave me this information. It was what I wanted to do to be proactive for my health.
  2. Dairy: This is one that I have found to be pretty inconsistent. It really seemed to depend on which type of cancer you had, if they stated to watch dairy. In one of the books I read, the author who is a doctor stand, don’t drink any milk that comes from an utter! Well, okay then! Oat milk, almond milk, coconut milk and pea milk are not from utters the last I heard. I have not tried pea milk yet to be honest, so I can’t give you any information on that; but, I don’t mind any of the others. I get the vanilla flavored by unsweetened and they’re not bad. I love yogurt, but the Greek ones I love really had too much sugar and dairy, so I found plant-based ones, coconut milk yogurt that are pretty good. My toughest dairy product that I love is cheese. I unfortunately have not found a plant-based cheese yet that I really enjoy. I also haven’t really tried many because the first one had such a strange, plastic texture. But, I’m still working on it. I have not seen menu’s that say plant-based cheese. I may just be looking in the wrong places.
  3. White flour: The last on my little list. I never really cared to much or thought too much about white flour until I saw that I should stay away from it. Now, anytime I get pizza, I thoroughly enjoy it and miss white flour! HA! But, I can say, I have gotten store- bought cauliflower crust pizza and from a pizza shop, and have really enjoyed it. Also, there are great whole wheat pastas out there, too.

So, this is my little list of ways to eat a little cleaner, and it’s possible to do out in the real world. However, the water is probably the toughest one for me. As I already stated, go to a fair or ballgame, and all they have are water bottles that have probably been out in the sun, putting all that BPA chemicals in the water. I’m sorry, but no thank you. I want clean, filtered water. Maybe, one day it will be easier to be out in the real world and go places where you have an easier time eating clean and healthy. But, start with these 3 things and you can at least by on your way.