If you know me, you know I am all about Tapping (EFT)! I love it and I believe in it more than I can say. It has helped me get through breast cancer and to see it as a gift. It has calmed me and made me feel amazing during the tough times. And, the great thing is, it does, every single day I do it! It can help you, too!

So, what is this EFT I keep talking about? Well, in a nutshell, it is like acupuncture, BUT, without the needles! Nice, huh? By tapping on certain end meridian points (acupuncture points) and stating the negative and following it with a positive affirmation, you calm down your nervous system. That fight-or-flight portion that just keeps you on high-alert all the time, putting your adrenaline and cortisol on overtime. That, my friends, is what causes disease. That, is what caused my cancer. I was holding onto all the trauma of my past that was causing me to live in a state of fight-or-flight, for many, many years.  I thank cancer for allowing my body to tell me what I had been holding onto for years and how it was killing me, physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. Tapping changed all that. Now, anytime I get down or just feel crappy, I tap.

Let me start with what exactly you do for EFT/Tapping. The meridian points that you tap on, are:

– The karate chop point (the side of the hand by your little finger. The fleshy part).                                                                                                                                                            – The crown of your head; right on the top.                                                                               – The eyebrow point, right on the side of the bridge of your nose and the inside eyebrow.                                                                                                                                                     – Side of your eye by the outside corner of your eye, on the bone.                               – Under your eye on the bone, and beneath your eye.                                                         – Under your nose. (Right under the nose, not tapping on the lip).                                       – Under your mouth, in the crease of you chin.                                                                       – Collarbone. Find your collarbone on each side and place your finger on it, then go down about 1 inch and out about 1 inch.. You will feel a fleshy area. That is the point you will tap on.                                                                                                                     – Then, under your arm (either side). For women, it is where your bra strap sits.

You start with what is bothering you, what event, emotion, thought, whatever it is that has you upset, stressed, anxious, fearful… You start by saying, “Even though (whatever it is that’s bothering you), I deeply and completely accept myself. Do that 3 times.

Then you start reiterating those comments and can extend them while tapping on the points. You can’t do this wrong. If you are confused, just tap on one area, like your collarbone point. I do that one a lot. While you are tapping on the collarbone point, just start talking about what is bothering you. You can just say, “All this stress.” (or whatever it is that is bothering you). Or, you can tell it like a story, or even just rant. The trick is, the more specific you get, the better it can help you. So, get down to the nitty gritty about what is bothering you, or what you think is bothering you. Give it an intensity before you start. By that, I mean rate your intensity of how much it is bothering you from 0-10. Zero being it isn’t bothering you at all, to 10, which is it is really intense, the worse.

After you do that, cross your hands over your heart and take a deep belly breath in. Then, just start tapping. When you are feeling calmer about it, stop tapping, take 3 deep breaths and rate the intensity of how you feel after doing the tapping. If it went down to a 2 or below, that’s great. If it stayed the same or  got worse, tap again. This time, getting even more specific. Do the process until you feel better, or you can get back to it later or another day.

As you are tapping and after, you may yarn or cough, cry, feel tingly, or other sensation. That is the energy moving. If you don’t really feel anything right away, you may later on or even the day after. Notice in the days ahead how you are feeling about the situation and if anything has changed. You may notice yourself feeling different about the situation and/or having positive situations arise.

If you are interested in this, let me know. You can work with me 1:1. (I will also offering tapping sessions in groups. (Yes, you can do tapping in groups) You can message me, email me at roberta.50wellfit@gmail.com or sign up on my website in the “Programs Page: 1:1 sessions.

I hope you enjoyed this quick, very lightly-covered post on EFT. Enjoy and let me know how you like tapping.