Where and how do you find calm when you are feeling stressed, anxious and overwhelm, when you are feeling so stuck and not able to move forward? There are things you can do to feel better – to find calm. When we are feeling like this, we get so stuck in our thoughts, which actually get us more stressed and anxious, that we can’t even see the opportunities that may be presenting themselves to us. When we get that stressed, our whole being gets so tense that we just can’t see any “openness;” everything is dense and negative. When this is the case, how could we see anything positive and light? It’s just not going to happen. This is when we need to “find calm!” However, this is when we just can’t even imaging calm, let alone be open to it.
Okay, then, just how can we “find calm” you ask? I’m going to give you several self-care acts you can do that will allow that stress, anxiety and overwhelm become a little less dense and heavy and allow it to soften and lighten, showing you the light at the end of the tunnel.
- Breathing exercises. If you follow me, you know breathing exercises are my end-all and be-all choice to calming down and opening up. By just sitting straight in a comfortable chair, straight back, shoulders soft and down, and feet flat on the floor, take 3 slow, deep belly breaths. Then just do a quick body scan starting from the top of your head down to your feet. What is your body telling you? Are you feeling any sensations (tightness, heaviness, pain, discomfort, racing heart…)? Can you attach any emotions to those sensations. Just sit and take deep breaths and exhale with a sigh to allow that energy to start moving. Feel your body relax. Allow yourself to feel what you are feeling. Your body is telling you something. Listen to it. Do this until you feel ready to get moving. Allow the thoughts to come up. You may even see some inspiration and opportunities.
- Meditation. The breathing exercises above are a type of meditation. But you can also sit and listen to calm, relaxing meditative music. You can sit and focus on your breathing, or even watch a candle flickering. Try to clear your head. Allow thoughts to come in and acknowledge them, then let them go. Do this until you are feeling calmer.
- Connect with nature. Go for a walk or run. Maybe do some stretching and exercises. This allows the endorphins (our natural “feel-good” hormones) to release, making us feel better.
- Give yourself a break. Allow yourself this gift; this self-care act of love to yourself. Maybe take a quick power nap; or a bubble bath with candles lit and soft, relaxing music in the background. Add some essential oils to the mix, or even in the bath (make sure you have ones that you can do that). If you want to break away from reality for a while, take even just 15 minutes to read a good book that can just whisk you away for that time. Or, maybe watch a little comedy on tv to make you laugh. And, you can always call your go-to friend to help you out; you know that friend that just knows what to say and when to say it to make you feel better.
- Have “tea time.” Chamomile is always a good tea to calm and relax you. Or, any calming tea of your choice.
- And, last but not least, by all-time go-to…EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique, also called “Tapping.” If you are not familiar with Tapping, it is kind of like acupuncture, but without the needles. You tap on certain meridians while tapping on something that is bothering you, and it calms down your nervous system. I attached the video I did on tapping for “Finding Calm” below.
There are 6 ways to help you find your calm. By putting your body in a state of calm, you are allowing your body to heal and be healthier. When we are stressed in a state of overwhelm and anxiety, our body tenses and inflammation begins, causing illness. Stop it in its tracks! Break up that stress by doing one of these self-care activities to calm yourself and allow you to find calm.
Go to my website, www.wellfitways.com to find out more about Self-Care for Women 50+.
Make it a Great Day! Remember, you are the creator of your life. Let it be a great one!